Monday, February 28, 2011


I'm the kind of person who's always done the right thing. I graduated high school, went to college, got a degree, and now I'm attempting to get into a doctorate of physical therapy program. I did and am doing all of these things because it's what I've been told to do. Go to school, get good grades, go to college, get a doctorate...blah blah blah. Today I thought to myself, what is the point? What the hell is the point of it all. When it comes down to it, I have never done anything for myself. I've never done anything that I wanted to do. I'm not even sure if getting a doctorate is what I want anymore.
What really put this into perspective is a phone call I got from one of my very best friends last night. Her high school boyfriend; the one she ditched class with, did drugs with, basically took her down a very nasty road, died of a drug overdose. He also happened to be her best friend from high school's older brother. (That's probably confusing and I apologize for most likely forcing you to re-read that line a few times). So she called me up and was obviously upset, she had every right to be. Even if he was not the best influence on her, he was her high school years. To lose someone who has had that much of an impact on your life...positive or upsetting. But I digress.
The point I'm trying to make here, and the conclusion my friend and I came to last night, is that life is short. It's way too short to be doing things you don't want to do, wasting your precious time doing things you want nothing to do with. We have a choice in our lives. There isn't a rule anywhere that says you have to be unhappy, that you have to suffer through some crap job. Life's too short to be anything but happy. And to spend even seconds of your life without being happy is a waste. Happiness is a choice and you deserve it. You can have whatever you want; whatever makes you happy. First, you just have to figure out what you want. Then you just have to envision it. Once you see it, you work towards it. End of story. No excuses. No stopping. If you want something bad enough, you can get it. You are the only one stopping you. Once you get out of your own way, you're home free. Work hard, do good, and be happy.
I will if you will.